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Clueless And Ill Prepared

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Title chosen because I'd be banned if I wrote what I really wanted.

Spotted a camper parked in the scrub not far from a well, so went to see who and introduce myself. No one was there so I followed the tracks as they were heading to the well.

They went passed the well and towards the next one which isn't in a known gold area but is in an area that holds a lot of water especially after the rain we've had.

Bugger me if the track didn't keep going and into a no go area. I knew I would either come across them heading back out or bogged.

Sure enough, 4klms in and there's a Hilux duel cab bogged up to its eyeballs with a very relieved to see me NSW couple in their 70's. They had been there all day with nothing but a now empty thermos of coffee, no comms, no recovery gear, no food or water.

And of cause I get bogged trying to get them out.

As it was 4.30pm no option but to stay put for the night. I gave them what food I had as they had not eaten all day, plus plenty of water. They slept in their ute and I slept in mine plus in front of a fire when it got too cold.

They next morning I hiked 17klms out to the road with the intent of getting a lift the 60klms into town and then a lift back out to the homestead to pick up my other ute and come get the couple and drop them at their van. I'd let them worry about retrieving their ute themselves.

As luck would have it for them and me, a mining company offered to get us both out which they did with the aid of my 5 chains and two snatch straps plus a hell of a lot of shovel work.

A very embarrassed but pretty shallow thankyou from the couple and a carton of beer and about 20 very greatful and heartfelt thankyous from me.

And now the track is stuffed for about 100 yards.

Unfortunately, the laws in Australia are written in such a way that makes it illegal for me to head butt them.



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You would think someone who has obtained that age would know better, or at least be able to extract themselves given the time.  I wonder if the gentleman had gone deaf from the wife's "encouraging" words during their wait for someone to stumble upon them?



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Did anyone take a photo or two?  This is a story with quite a good ending.

A great gesture was had (not necessarily rewarded) by all.


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Good one Madtuna, for helping them and for posting, this goes on every prospecting season in every gold field all over OZ. I guess it is the reality of suburban reared people gaining bush sense the hard way. In reverse I know I suffer big time in the City.

May all your boot tacks turn into nuggets...............

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Thanks folks. I will take a few photos of the damage next time I head up that way and post them, we are going to try and get some sort of compensation out of them for track repairs but I'm afraid we might be pushing the proverbial up a hill.

And Kiwi, no, I gave the beers to the mining crew, the two billygoats didn't give squat or even offer.

No wonder mining companies and pastoralists are trying to shut down prospecting over here (and they will) some of the units floating around the bush just make you shake your head.

Caught an ex plod (who should know better) the other day who goes where he pleases and never lets us know he's on the station. Was talking about rubbish and he says " yep, can't understand it, you burn what burns and what doesn't burn you bag up. The next time you're passing and old shaft you drop the bag down the shaft".

I did my lolly at him. Told him under no circumstances to drop his rubbish down a shaft. It ends up in the water table plus it's illegal and town has a free tip.

Found a cow shot the other day too, had half a back leg carved out.

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