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So, I have had the 800 for 4 days now and only used it for about 3 hrs total. This morning, I went out for my first prolonged use and decided to deviate from the default settings.  I went about setting ground balance in both park 1,2 and field 1,2 profiles using Auto Ground Balance.  Park 1 and Field 1 worked as expected but immediately after releasing the accept button in Park 2 and Field 2, the display flashed Cd and the unit powered off.  During the next two hours, the unit displayed Cd and shutdown four more times while in pinpoint mode.

The manual states this is a coil disconnect error code and to check the connector, cable, and coil for damage but all appear fine.  I guess I will be calling MineLab to see what they say.  Has anyone else experienced this?

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Unfortunately there will be bad units out of all the ones produced. Look at how many brand new cars need service two weeks off the showroom floor. I hope yours is just a freak thing that resolves itself as TNS has prescribed. 

Best to you

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I bought the CTX the first day it was available. It worked well for a while and then started saying  "Coil not detected" and would not work. I'm thinking your Equinox problem may be a coil problem, but not in the cable. It may have something gone wrong internally, in which the the coil is recognized by the machine. Just a guess based on a similar situation I had. I bet they give you a new coil. You are a lucky person to already have your machine. I am jealous LOL.

If you’re the one that got the defective detector it gets very personal. I got one for over twenty years trouble free and others had trouble within the first month of receiving it,

I had one over a year now it was in trouble the day I turned it on. 

It would be a sad thing if we received lots of defective Equinox in the US. All it takes is get a lot of not so good electronic parts and not know it until it’s too late.


Sorry to hear of any possible problems so soon, hope it "corrects" itself without further incident. Perhaps we should keep this thread to keep track of all reports of problems no matter how big or small. If anyone hears of anything from other forums it should be noted here too. 

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Not good, sorry to hear that Mike.

I agree it sounds like a coil or coil wiring problem.

I wonder if you found someone else nearby with a Equinox and swapped coils for a while will it still show the error...might be one way to determine if its a coil or a controller module problem.

Call the Minelab service center Monday.  I believe that's Fort Bedford Metal Detectors in PA or your dealer for some help.  I've heard Fort Bedford turns repairs around in just a couple of days.  Wishing you the best for a quick repair.

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