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What’s Next In Metal Detectors For 2018?

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First Texas (Bounty Hunter, Fisher, Teknetics) - last new models Fisher F75+ and Teknetics T2+. Next up a new pulse induction (PI) beach detector. A new digital multifrequency to replace the Fisher CZ3D is long overdue but at this rate we will be lucky to just see the PI before the end of the year.


Garrett - last new model the AT Max. Hard to believe the flagship GTI 2500 has been around since 1999 with no updates. Garrett so far has shown no interest in multifrequency. The most I was hoping for was a lightweight dry land version of the ATX, but so far no sign of that happening either. I doubt we will see anything else from Garrett this year but they could surprise.

Makro - last new models the Multi Kruzer and Gold Kruzer. Makro has mastered single frequency so everyone would like to see what they can do with multifrequency or pulse induction. I expect Makro is done with new models for the year.

Minelab - last new models Equinox 600 and 800. I have no idea what’s up next for detectors but I sure would like to see that small coil for my GPZ 7000. I really don’t expect anything new for the rest of the year besides Equinox accessories.

Nokta - sister company to Makro. Last new detector the Nokta Impact. Up next the Nokta Anfibio.

Tesoro - Who? What?

White’s - last new models the MX7 and TDI SL Special Edition plus the just announced Goldmaster 24K. Hopefully that new tech will eventually see the light. Right now just getting the 24K out the door is job one.

XP - last new products the HF coils for the Deus, with X35 coils and XP Orx due by end of year.

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More concentric coils will do to.......Rutus just released a 4.75 concentric....but i dont own one and no sure if it is better than a Tesoro




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  • 4 weeks later...

I personally think the Equinox caught many of the Detector Manufacturers by surprise. Not so much because of the multi IQ but the demand it created. Every manufacturer is looking for that magic bullet. Garrett has pretty much run out of upgrades for the AT Pro and for a time it seemed if you didn't have an AT Pro you would be left in the dust.

I think they are all seeking a similar build to the Equinox but more than that a marketing campaign that will create a frenzy like the Equinox has. 

I think Minelab was caught by surprise when they announced the Equinox and even more so by the amount of back orders there were at the time of the release date. The same goes for the 6" double D coil.

Just the simplicity of the Equinox gave it an advantage out of the box. There are many other detectors on the market that can and will find as much as the Equinox but none as easy to use and learn. 

Two things the manufacturers I am sure are looking at with a new or upgraded model and a new model would catch the eye of detector enthusiasts. They need simplicity and one heck of a marketing campaign.  It was pretty bold of Minelab to state the Equinox would make all other detectors obsolete. 

The worst that can happen  is new model to flop so I think the other manufacturers are being very careful not to rush to market a new detector that won't live up to the hype.

That's just my take on what I think is happening.


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Guest Tnsharpshooter

Weight qnd ergonomics are 2 biggies.

Minelab has finally learned this- Thank God.

And I think they learned this from Xp.

Waterproof I think will bethe norm for the future.  Versatility is another biggie.

One trick pony VLF detectors won’t be big sellers anymore.

Folks want a different look to a new detector model, not a placard or other real small changes.

Garrett should have lesnded this by now hopefully, First Texas too and White’s.

I am sort of shocked we have seen no mergers with usa manufacturers.

Tesoro, I don’t know.  

My money is on Xp, Minelab and or Makro/Nokta to release rhe next big thing.  May be a while for Xp though, I think this new x35 coil may be just something to keep the dam from breaking while they keep working on their new future platform.

Detectival should prove interesting.  To see who has what up their sleeve.  Keep an eye on Dilek of Makro/Nokta.


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I will put my money on Fisher XP and then Minelab also bare in mind every new release of new machine create an flow of 2nd hand machine here in the UK there are dozen of large XP coil for sale..................not including Deus since the Equinox is out.

And what I realise but I may be wrong is chaps seems to put their machines for sale at a higher price than lets say 2/3 years ago,to of course be able to fund the new top of the range.

But as always if you keep the machine in the closet you find anything.





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Is the new throw away design of the Equinox the new marketing model?   Do you think more manufacturers will move to this model for their waterproof designs?    If the term 'throw away' troubles you,  replace the phrase with "planned obsolescence".  

It is interesting to think why a company would even think they could get away with something like that.   But the market has shown that for Minelab, they can pretty much do what ever they want as people are willing to pay the premium price for their tech.   

With 'planned obsolescence" they don't need to obsolete it with technological advances,  they can force the obsolescence with a non-repairable design.  

and kill the used market at the same time.







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I am with you Mike, I  will say  this does bother me. You may not get your moneys worth out of a detector with cell phone style technology. Could be it will only have a working life of 5-6 yrs and that is not enough for what we pay for new detectors these days. We are used to buying a well made detector that is repairable down the road if need be and will last us 10-15 yrs or more and then we could even sell it to someone else to use if we aren't using it anymore.

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On 7/7/2018 at 12:37 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Tesoro - Who? What?

Well I have an idea for Tesoro that I think would bring them a little juice.  The strength of their line is knob based simplicity, good discrimination, and decent ergonomics.  But their LCD display models have a small screen(tough on old eyes) and looked like they are a design from a plant in the Soviet Union during the Cold War Era.

I think they should explore starting with say a Vaquero model which has good depth and discrimination.  Remove the loudspeaker from the front panel place elsewhere.  Then in that space put in an old analog style swing meter.  This would provide target ID and GB etc.  The engineering to accomplish this would be much less than a large LCD display like the Nox or AT etc.  Their investment costs would be minimal as parts count isn't going up much.

I think the thing would sell well as people like the simplicity of Tesoros but thumbing the discrim knob is a major PITA.




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9 hours ago, LowTide said:

Well I have an idea for Tesoro that I think would bring them a little juice.  The strength of their line is knob based simplicity, good discrimination, and decent ergonomics.  But their LCD display models have a small screen(tough on old eyes) and looked like they are a design from a plant in the Soviet Union during the Cold War Era.

I think they should explore starting with say a Vaquero model which has good depth and discrimination.  Remove the loudspeaker from the front panel place elsewhere.  Then in that space put in an old analog style swing meter.  This would provide target ID and GB etc.  The engineering to accomplish this would be much less than a large LCD display like the Nox or AT etc.  Their investment costs would be minimal as parts count isn't going up much.

I think the thing would sell well as people like the simplicity of Tesoros but thumbing the discrim knob is a major PITA.




Hi I am a bit worried that Tesoro don't think themselves....................when the Goldbug pro came out I thought this machine could have have been the Tesoro who relaunched the brand(even the color were Tesorish) but no...................I don't work there but there is marketing stuff I don't understand at all,maybe they are filthy rich and don't need the money.It reminds me a bit Kodak the camera manufacturer ...........


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