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GaryC/Oregon Coast

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Everything posted by GaryC/Oregon Coast

  1. Have you used their repair facility? Always had good work done by them. Just a thought. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  2. Those conditions must have been perfect! Nice haul of silver for any beach. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  3. Yes, I did not mention I was hunting in All Metal. I also had my Impulse with me but did not get it on the ground, too much trash here. I brought my big tire wagon to haul all the gear to the site, as it's closed. Probably a 1/4 mile walk from the parked truck outside the park. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  4. I hunted an inland reservoir about four months ago, just as they were letting the water level down for the winter. I ,of course got there maybe way too early in the season to find the stuff out deeper but intended to go back later. This is a 120 mile round trip flyer so I don't hunt it often and have to rely on the locals (inland detecting club) to post about it's level during the year. Well a guy did such a post two weeks ago and showed the water level down significantly. Just what I was waiting for, even if the locals were going to get there first, thought I might hit it anyway. Had to wait two weeks for the weather to stop raining enough to make the trip. When I got there I was very disappointed to see the water level had risen up the bank another 25 yards from the last posting. Putting the deep swimming area out of bounds for me (I wasn't planning on doing any water hunting). Anyway, I probably got the last silver ring on the beach for the season. Using a Nox with factory presets, coming in at a solid 19 and maybe 3" deep. A 925 child's ring with a pretty red stone. Finds have been slim for me this year so any ring find keeps the spirits up. Get Out There and Find Something Good!!!! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  5. Doesn't look like a meteorite. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  6. I envy you with a field that big to detect in. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  7. You shouldn't have much competition in Brawley! Great new area to work. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  8. I dug about 30-40 grommets at one small 25' x 25' site a few years ago. I couldn't figure out what was going on with all the detached grommets? Talked to a local old timer detectorist and found out the Boy Scouts used that area to do their yearly retiring flag cremonies (they burned the flags). GaryC/Oregon Coast
  9. Looks to be the overhead view of a theatre or ampitheatre. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  10. OK Joe, enough of the Iron Man philosophy! I don't want you pushing the boundaries again! Rest Up and get back on here. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  11. Actually his name is Raymond Block ( http://leavennotrace.org/ ). He is kind of a one man band when it comes to the environment and trash pickup on Coastal 101, beaches and roads throughout the state. You can usually see him single handed along all those roads picking up trash and depositing the secured up bags of trash along the roadside for the municipalities to dispose of. When I took the picture his whale was only partially built and was quite a lot filled in when New Years Eve came. On his website you can see it being torched and being pulled out to sea. I did go down and do some detecting with my Impulse a couple of times after the first but did not come up with much. A small metal cross, pieces of it's chain, some coins, sinkers, somebodies keys (old, not from this event), lots of nails all in the lower wet portion. The sneaker waves and rolling logs in the surf made it difficult to concentrate with one eye on the ocean and one on your target. Got soaked twice from the surges of rushing water which are on you in a second. Never turn your back on an Oregon beach wave!! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  12. Was on my Oregon beach today Surf Perch fishing and met this guy who was building a whale out of driftwood. He pegged all the pieces together with wood pins! Kind of an environmentalist guy. He is going to torch it off New Year's Eve. Looks like a good place to detect the next day if all the people show up to watch it! Too rough to catch anything. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  13. Nice finds! I'm also experiencing/struggling with the falsing on my Oregon beaches, in the wet (with the AQ). I also get the falsing swinging one way than the other. Using very similar settings as you. Still looking for my first Oregon beach gold with the AQ. Very slim pickings up this way. Looking for those King Tides later this month. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  14. AND, it's an off center die ERROR coin! NICE!!!! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  15. Ya, when you spin the coin/medallion it puts the two images together. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  16. Nice spinner (last photo), looks like it's missing the cage to hold the coin/medallion. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  17. Second photo looks to be the bottom to a Frozen Charlotte doll. Looks like the upper body and head snapped off. Made of bisque porcelain. Very common play doll through the thirties. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  18. Lead was used to seal the can after filling. Lots of turn-of-the-century food containers used this method. Not the most healthy of choice! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  19. Saw it! Very disappointing. Not sure I can believe the Gold Coin find! GaryC/Oregon Coast
  20. There had better be a lake in Hamilton! Hard to leave this one. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  21. Looks to be pot metal to me. Not very good definition in it's appearance. Maybe a fantasy ring? GaryC/Oregon Coast
  22. I would think the finds would be around the bags in the depressions, just a thought. GaryC/Oregon Coast
  23. RR, Yup, when there isn't anything there, there just isn't anything there! "I was using my Evolution scoop on the right on the picture and it was a pleasure to dig." Just got one recently and IT IS a pleasure to dig with, Love It! GaryC/Oregon Coast
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