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I’ve been hopefully searching a club claim in Southern Nevada and although I know gold must be there the 3 trips out have been blanks, I’m finding all kinds of trash, old lead and tacks that say although no doubt pounded, not cleaned out by a long shot. Most of this junk found has been shallow but still there has to be some deeper gold hiding amongst all the trash someplace just haven’t found any out there yet. The other day I was burned out swinging the 7000 and grabbed the deus with the high frequency round coil to try something different, I hardly ever hunt nuggets for more than a few minutes with the little Frenchy trusting the power of the zed for gold. The light little deus was a pleasure, detector in one hand pick in the other and the pinpointing accuracy of the deus and target recovery improved 10 fold and I was finding almost exactly the same targets just a bit fewer (probably the gold ones). I ran the gold program against the hot program both at factory settings 50khz and switching between the two programs gave me really good idea of what I was going to find, the gold field being more sensitive and the xy screen of the hot program with full tones providing a more full picture. I was also pleased the deus seemed to handle the ground also with no problems, there were only 3 Little Rock’s in the upper right of the picture that hit hard on the deus and after taking them home for closer inspection they show tiny particles of silvery metal under high magnification that was almost impossible to photograph, its blacker in spots and silvery like mercury droplets (very tiny) in other areas with a metamorphic (I think) host rock that I’m not certain of, any ideas what this is?

anyway, I’ve got to spend a week back in Calif working on an offer on my other place, and cleaning it up when I get back then try a few new spots in Arizona after a break before hitting my southern Nevada spot again.

my modified Ukrainian army trench tool also worked great paired with the deus I added a longer handle, cut the blade square and embedded a super magnet into the end of the handle was a real back saver,lol.CAD8F047-EFCE-417F-9D7E-7126BCD9DC85.thumb.jpeg.fb7484534f48c51933e44b119578a76f.jpeg




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Wow you are focused and thinking about what you're doing. Any gold hiding in that area will not be able to hide for long. It will be an interesting next chapter, please include us.

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Just my view.   

1  You would of got most of the gold in the area that you went over if discrimination was not used.

2   The time spent digging those target might be better spent getting more on the fringes of the junky area.

You have been a member for awhile so I am sure you knew this any way, but it may help some one else.

So let us know how you killed the Skunk, make it quick ☺️

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Steve, flak and Jeff, This last Monday I started swinging the 7000 at around 7AM confident today was going to be the day by around 2PM feeling tired my pants were riding low and it Was taking all I had not to skip digging the iffy signals, switching over to the deus it was so easy to use and running so nicely I felt refreshed and although lacking the power of the 7000 I kept at it until the last light faded I would have kept at it longer except the coyotes were making such a ruckus it was a bit unnerving.

this claim is twenty acres I’d guess and I have only vague idea where to look and have hit several different areas including several of the washes, areas around dry wash piles, the piles them selves, off on the edges and at the end several hours in the trashy spots mostly with the deus the multitude of targets is overwhelming the 7000 in the trash. I’ve been running zed both with Steve’s insane type settings and also with lunks quiet set-up, I prefer running hot but have been trying both listening for faint tones.  There’s a lot of ground I’ve missed but I know it’s there, time will tell if it’s in me. 

jw, I would or will depending on the nugget finder coils the proof is hard to ignore and if my time was not so spread out on selling and moving all this last year I’d have one already your success is inspiring?.

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That claim you are on sends a lot of people home with a skunk.  You know, it was 80 acres and has been broken up so look around other places for the full map.  I've been there a couple of times years ago and didn't find anything.  What I did notice is that where the claims ended there was open ground in some directions.  That is where I'd go the next time thinking that there may have been less gold there in the beginning for old timers but there may be more of it still there than on the beaten to death claim.

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Mitchel, that’s what’s wrong I’m hunting the wrong 20 acres, lol, but I just need that first piece. Eventually if I don’t give up I’ll find something there, I’ve also brought home a few buckets of dirt from a couple of the washes but nothing there so far not even a flake, keep trying different spots until something begins to show. Think next I’ll head back out to gold basin again try a new spot out there and spend a little time where I found that little bit see if I can squeak out a touch more. Think if luck holds my other house might be sold in California, if so life will get a lot easier and hunting more frequent, maybe even Australia if any thing is left after all the horrible fires, wish everyone there luck. My wife’s got cousins someplace have not heard anything if they’ve had any issues hop they and everyone else is safe now and comes out of this OK.


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