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Important Announcement From White's Electronics

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M6 MXT V3i , i only have the trx left, unfortunately those who look at the tip of their shoes do not go far, i also thought that the day was near, these days you have to be state of the art or you're done, i am very sorry for white's. 

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This news makes me feel like swearing.    Hellfire and Damnation!



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I'm very sad to see them stop operations. My first real detector was also a White Coin Master back in 1975. I just bought a TDI SL two weeks ago with the intention of doing some modifications. I got tired of building PI's so I figured I needed something to start with. Hope they can come back some day and hire some real talent moving forward. 

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I have used every Whites produced since the CM4. Looks like the cash cow finally ran out for the owners coupled with all the other problems in the world.

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On 6/19/2020 at 12:16 AM, Geotech said:

There were a lot of problems, starting with the family. They never had a high opinion of engineers and thought they could be easily replaced as needed. And one particular engineer with an outsized ego had a knack for either getting other engineers to leave (like me) or for getting them fired. IMO, the downhill run started when Mark Rowan was let go. The V3 barely survived that, most of the rest did not.

I thought the company could coast a while longer selling the models they had. The MXT & GMT (and derivatives) are quite good. But that was pre-Equinox, which suddenly made all those products overpriced. And the cost structures at White's don't support cutting prices in half.


carl! i want to "thank" you for your contributions over the years!..i always liked the m6 in particular, since it was soo good at sniping coins and jewelry.they tried to ''kill" it ,and they couldn't, so they had to bring it back. if any detector fits the description of ''sleeper" then the m6 is it. i had the xl pro which was a genuine ''sweetheart" with that "dead nuts" accurate meter. the 6000 series 2 and 3 detectors were great during the 80's.and the eagles introduced digital designs..to tell you the truth, i thought whitey had something in ''skunk works" ready to be released, so this comes as a shock to me.i enjoyed the hell out of whites products.they found me a 'ton' of great stuff over the years.


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It's really a shock to me to see White's go. What a huge name they have been since the beginning. So now the devoted White's followers will have to put their money into the few remaining companies.

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