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Whites MX Sport Waterproof Metal Detector

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So White's releases a detector and perhaps its number one selling point is it is submersible - if you get the optional waterproof headphones.

Too bad there are no waterproof headphones to buy yet. As far as I know dealers also do not have accessory coils available.

Manufacturers (not just White's) put as many roadblocks in the way of dealers and customers as possible. New machine comes out, customer hot to buy, credit card in hand - when is the best time to have a full range of accessories available?

Yes, at time of purchase. Not a week later, or a month later, or whatever.

As a dealer and a salesperson this always drove me berserk. Just bad business, period. It does not make me any happier as a customer either. It inconvieniences me and that should not be what a company is striving for.

Again, not picking just on White's here. Minelab has been terribly guilty in this department. Other guys, not so much.

I am picking up my MX Sport next week but looks like that is all I will be getting.

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Steve you said a mouth full when you said the opts is not out yet. The dealer didn't know the price or when the coil I wanted would be out. On the video White's showed all the MXS lined up but that's all you see. If I buy something I want it to come all at one time. This is like buying a car you get the body and the wheels may come in two weeks. Oh the motor is a opt too.

Now I'm going to sell you a waterproof metal detector but you can't play in the water. Waterproof headphones and wheels are about the same being it's not complete without them. I understand I need to buy the extra coils but why should I have to buy the headphones to make the waterproof part of the detector whole.

If this runs up the cost of the product then charge it. Just don't  do it half way.


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I don't mind the headphones being optional since at $150 a lot of people will not need them. But at this point it is not even an option, just a promise, and not even a date.

It is like there is a penalty for being an early buyer. Half the time you get a machine that may need some sort of fix or upgrade later. You can't get needed accessories. And no deals for being first at the plate - if anything you pay more for the privilege of either being a loyal customer or guinea pig, depending how you look at it.

Not only should underwater phones be available now, but a nice touch would be an introductory discount for those that get them at the time they buy their detector.

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You can take the headphone whip that comes in the box and make your own headphone set up like the Atpros.  The Atpro phones are not waterproof but the connector is.  You just shouldn't submerge the phones.  So anyway you would take the mxs whip and seal it to an existing headphone plug with silicone.  You could slip a tube over the connector and fill it from both sides with silicone caulking. Use Type 1 not type 2 silicone.  Or possibly the best way would be to use silicone tape. Just tightly wrap that tape around the connector to waterproof it. Then screw the whip into the mxs and everything but the phones will be waterproof.  Just an idea to throw out there........................

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Steve ya hit the nail on the head. I primarily hunt (90%+) of the time iron infested ghost towns etc. I do feel a little bad about picking on the MXS, in all fairness a 10"DD coil on most any machine in the areas I hunt would be close to worthless......but I see no reason at time of release to even consider a MXS for the simple fact there is no small coil, or any other coil for that matter, available for the machine other then the stock coil. Plus something else got in the way of me looking at a MXS................a R2. :smile:  But someday, when they finally at least get a coil similar in size to the Eclipse 5.3 or Detech 5"  I would like to give it a try and workout at one of the sites I frequent. 

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I'd be happy if White's done what Steve said and that is give us a discount at the time we buy for any option items.. At the same time don't be in a rush to get the detector on the market if you can't back it up with the option equipment. You know little things like coils and waterproof headphones to go with that detector that should be too.


I shouldn't have to temp fix what White's should have had available to start. I just hope your headphones don't pop off and go for a swim.

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I understand about a fix if the need be. White's came out with the 66TR like all detectors you didn't have headphones. Well the first thing I done was drill a hole in the top and put in a headphone jack. It was for the 1/8 inch mono ear bud that I had. 

Sometimes you got to what you got to do.

The Best


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How easy and cheap would that have been from the factory?  I bought some safety shoes 2 weeks ago.  My employer pays for $100 of the cost.  I still had to pay another $60 to get the Keen brand.  Then the sales guy said "you'll need these $25 pair of insoles to make the shoes comfortable"  I said for $160 that should already be built in!  More and more we seem to get less and less.  Not just detectors but everything......

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 We are advancing to the rear and they call this high tech.

For all you young people out there that can get up and down without any trouble this what you need to do. Go get some black tape and tape over the face of your detector. You may dig more and work harder than ever before but you won't miss anything. The reward will be your show and tell at the end of the day.


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