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Gerry Visits…... Brings A 6k. Haven’t Stop Finding Gold Since

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Good story behind the hunting, or should I say swinging.

Thanks for the pictures that went along with it, and may I say that is some small gold.

Good luck on your next hunt.

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This is a great writeup on the GPX6000 and it’s capabilities in a variety of conditions and it’s performance against the previous top dog detectors. I have not tried the tip on going from normal to difficult and back to normal, thanks for sharing and I look forward to trying this out as I have had some false signals in hot ground.

Best wishes on your next hunt.



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  • The title was changed to Gerry Visits…... Brings A 6k. Haven’t Stop Finding Gold Since

Great report and story, so glad you are loving your 6000 and finding good stuff! Your comment about your wife’s hip concerns me...I need a hip replacement soon; old injury from car wreck during my youth. If she is swinging the 6000 does it pick up the hip, or only when kneeling close checking targets? Thx.

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32 minutes ago, IdahoPeg said:

Great report and story, so glad you are loving your 6000 and finding good stuff! Your comment about your wife’s hip concerns me...I need a hip replacement soon; old injury from car wreck during my youth. If she is swinging the 6000 does it pick up the hip, or only when kneeling close checking targets? Thx.

We only noticed it when she was close checking targets.  She did not swing the detector so I can’t tell you for sure. We did test it out after that to see how close I can get with the coil and it was maybe 18 inches as expected on a big target.  We then detected the screws in my knee and that was about 8 inches.  But I can say with confidence that we never had that problem before with the other detectors or we never noticed.  But is that really a problem? To me it’s just showing you the sensitivity of this detector.  At first we thought it was EMI that she was somehow giving off but she did not have her phone on her or anything else that would do that.

Having metal in your body or on your body acts the same way. So just kind of keep that in mind when you’re making your decision on a metal detector or what you put in your body ?

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I have metal in a knee, hip, and shoulder. Both the Zed and 6000 swing fine, but you will notice a bit of noise if you get one of those parts over the coil. Never notice the hip. Knee takes some avoidance, and thankfully it's my left shoulder and I'm right handed. In other words you may notice noise occasionally bu can work around it easily.


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Brian,  You certainly were one of my harder sales but that's part of it.  Not all people accept knowledge from a salesman as fact and since the GPX-6000 is still pretty early in it's release in the US, I realize there will be those who don't understand a $6000 detector being overall better than an $8000 model.  It's the same with the Equinox 800 at $950 vs the CTX-3030 at $2500, it's just hard to see why the manufactures would do that.  All I know in my 25 yrs around Minelab, their Engineering do not go backwards when it comes to their technology.

I'm glad I was able to make you a believer.  Sometimes the truth has to be earned in the field and you willing to take me to your patches is exactly what I knew would seal the deal.  Hopefully when the new GPX-6500 with Iron Discrimination comes out, you won't need such hard face to face field teaching facts, although that might be a good reason to come back.

As you know, my full time job is selling metal detectors.  Part of what I enjoy most is the meeting of people, educating folks on detectors (that's why my staff and I offer 3 days training) and being able to adventure the country/countries with detectors and provide knowledge to folks in the field.  At the same time, I get to learn new areas, ground and possibly find some gold or other treasures.  The real gold in all of this though, is the fun with the friends and helping them become proficient with their detectors.  My business plan is to be in the field which can then build long term relationships.  When I'm in the Carolinas with customers like I was earlier this year and watching them dig their 1st Civil War Relic, or I'm in gold fields with folks and seeing the smile on their face as they score their 1st of many gold nuggets, that's part of what my staff and I enjoy most.  We cherish seeing Success from those we helped and seeing their smiles.

Your research and foot work has put you on some gold, your preferred detector dealer has proven the newer tools work to put more gold in your pouch.  Your willingness to share you sites and get us the permissions on the property shows how golden you and your wife were to my stay.  I sure hope she is able to join you more in the field and I most certainly will remember the great eats, stories and entertainment.

Thanks for taking the time to give your input on the new GPX-6000 and sharing the pics of heard earned Success.

One thing I noticed.  I can remember you telling me a few times of your weekend hunts and not finding gold with the 7000.  No worries, I do that quite a bit.  But you made a comment in your post I found very interesting (if I read it correctly).  You have not been skunked yet on your trips with the GPX-6000?  Now that really does say something about this detectors capabilities.

Thanks again for the opportunity to allow me to spend time with your family, Dan and gold sites.  Memories forever.

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12 minutes ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

One thing I noticed.  I can remember you telling me a few times of your weekend hunts and not finding gold with the 7000.  No worries, I do that quite a bit.  But you made a comment in your post I found very interesting (if I read it correctly).  You have not been skunked yet on your trips with the GPX-6000?  Now that really does say something about this detectors capabilities.

Yes that is accurate.  I have not been skunked yet with the 6000.  ? Knock on wood.

Memories forever indeed!!

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Welcome to the GPX-6000 Club...I knew you would get one after seeing it in action!


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17 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

Not until about Gerry being 6 hours away did he spill the beans and said he had one for me too.  I was on a later list and just before he was about to leave, a shipment arrived.  He knew that I would want this, even though I was acting like a doubting Thomas.  I needed to put my fingers in the nail holes of Jesus’s hands to believe.  I needed to see the Zed up against the 6k.


17 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

...Everything that Steve and JP told us about the detector was accurate, right on the money.  I believed them, but doubted them as well for some reason, I needed to somehow verify this for myself.  It is just my personality and I also learned some personal lessons along the way and also apologies had to be made.

In other words, you're a scientist.  No reason to be apologetic there, IMO.

Nice writeup, written like..., a scientist would.

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