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15 Inch Coil Balance

Al F

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Since I put the 15 inch coil on my 800, I’ve noticed the balance is now NOSE HEAVY....is there a fix to balance it out...ie not be so NOSE HEAVY....??

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Thanks for posting, Chase!

Al F -- this is indeed where my "counterbalance system" shines (swinging the EQX with a large/heavy coil attached), and the main impetus behind designing it as an optional but very helpful (in many cases) addition to my carbon-fiber shafts...

If you have any questions, let me know.  I'd be happy to talk to you about the subject at hand...


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Ditto what Steve H said. Steve G worked with me, while he was on his vacation, to make me a travel shaft with the counter balance. I was having a little arm fatigue from the 11" coil and dreaded using the 15", so he worked out the right amount of weights for each coil for my particular size and swing and it has been a game changer for me. I initially used the weight for the 11" coil and my fatigue completely went away. Then I tried the 15" coil with the same weight and it works great for that too, so I didn't have to use the extra weight packet for the 15" at all.  I did a 7 hour hunt with the 15" a couple of days ago and no arm or back pain at all... my knees however, well that's a different story. ? But it's been about 8 months or so and I've had zero problems with the shaft or counter balance, and I love that I can just unscrew the counter balance with the 6" coil and it's light as a feather. I appreciate a quality product and Steve G knows his stuff. 


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Gentlemen, THANK YOU for the very kind words!  They are always appreciated!


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I don’t use a shaft counterweight anymore with my 11” coil since trying this: ( and this would work with the 15”)

I have a homemade version of a detector buddy bungee harness. They are meant to attach to the shaft under the pod handle and run around your neck and you put your left arm into it. This actually forces the coil down and in which makes you have to compensate with excess wrist force. So I shortened the strap and have a hook at the elastic end and it grabs a U- loop zip tied to the top of the arm cuff strap. Now the bungee force is directly upward and you get the true weight reduction with a relaxed wrist. The difference was immediately noticeable. With a hook and loop it’s easy to detach the tether even to dig every target if you want. 
   It’s worth a try and if anyone wants pictures of the arrangement let me know and I’ll post them. 

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