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Nokta Legend First 10 Hours


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A very good write up. Please keep posting you experience with the Legend.


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Good to hear the Legend is doing good. Nice finds too.

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I did another 4-5 hour hunt session today in a couple of parks.  I hit the right location and lucked out and scored some BIG men's silver rings next to the basketball court at the first park.  They were ID# 51 for the honker pinky ring and 55 for the other.

Here are a few things I am liking about the Legend:

Virtually no EMI noise in the city I've where hunted in 4 different locations.  That's running mostly 28 sensitivity and I can go to 30.  The only chattiness comes when the machine is on the ground as I dig and the coil is vertical.  I love the lack of distracting noise.

Handles the ground really well.  The descrimination patterns are really well thought out.  The "Ground" pattern is working great!  On my Equinox 800 the ground chattered like crazy and I ran sensitivity at 19 to help with that.  I realize now it was EMI rearing its ugly head and the horseshoe "all metal" mode let ground signals through.  The combination was unpleasant and I actually gave my Nox a 2 year break after the first year.

Expanded VDI range.  0 to 60 seems to work really well for having a decently wide range of numbers for gold and for silver.  Sometimes I think a bit more of a range would be good, but 60 is a nice middle-ground.  I do notice to the downside, a lot of targets get stacked at ID# 11, the lower foil range.  Since most people like to skip foil anyway, I guess that was a good choice by Nokta to stack small aluminum and gold there.  I don't plan to go after micro gold much anyway since parks and fields are so polluted with foil its crazy.  

I'm sure I'll think of more to add later, but so far its been a very fun detector to hunt the turf with and the performance and feature set are great as well.


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Nice hunt. The rings are great. The Legend is doing it's job. Gold rings in general are above foil. The tiny gold is in the foil range. I would knock out the foil with disc at 11. If you start getting gold rings then go thru in the foil range to see if you can get tiny gold.

What settings were you using?

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I used the following settings today and yesterday, though I was at 28 sensitivity yesterday and 5 recovery speed.

Today to find the rings, Park M2, 8 recovery, 4IB, 3stab, 60 tones, tone break 8.  I used G(round) descrimination pattern to knock out ground noise.  I left everything else pretty much stock settings and was able to hear iron on low volume. Soil was 2 bars today instead of 4-5 on the mineralization meter.  VID# seemed a bit more stable.  Nice.   

I did skip a lot of foil yesterday and today, but did dig some "11" signals to see what they were.  I like your idea of going for the big gold first and skipping "11" until the place is already somewhat cleaned out.  

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Legend target ID 11 is kind of a "catch all" "don't know" target ID from my experience. So is 1....... 11 is also a ground response target ID similar to 23 to 25 on Deus 2 and -1 to +2 on the Equinox. Coke, charcoal, slag, magnetite and weird, wet or extremely dry ground conditions can cause those responses from my experience.

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Thanks for posting the reviews, just picked up the Legend myself and taking some time over the next few days to put some time in on it.  I'd love to see some postings on how it does finding nuggets.  

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1 hour ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Legend target ID 11 is kind of a "catch all" "don't know" target ID from my experience. So is 1....... 11 is also a ground response target ID similar to 23 to 25 on Deus 2 and -1 to +2 on the Equinox. Coke, charcoal, slag, magnetite and weird, wet or extremely dry ground conditions can cause those responses from my experience.

That's interesting. Thanks for the post Jeff. 

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