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Everything posted by dogodog

  1. Great post GB, My MK hits two things really solid, Dimes and nickles. I tend to dig the quarters, dimes first. Call me greedy, but some of my sites I might only hit once or twice a year. (hoping for reseeding). Honestly though I rarely trip up on a nickle. Oddly I might find 1 nickle to every 75 dimes and quarters. Seems like in my hunting grounds they are rare. Not sure why this phenomenon takes place, But maybe you could post the quantities of Pennies, Nickles, Dimes, Quarters that were produced in a given time frame than the others. Just might be that they had a lower mint production than the rest? Or someone before me loves nickles so much they dug them all Ha Ha.
  2. Cool video, its nice to see Mfg's taking pride in trying to make a great long lasting product. Reminds me of the Good Housekeeping seal of approval. Hope this finds its way to limited lifetime. XP seems to understand the happy customer thing. Repairing a machine for a small amount or for free will keep the community buying more.
  3. Great find!!!!! I was hoping for the mood ring stone Ha Ha. Still looks great in agate though. Keep up the good work.
  4. It looks like a gold coin to me, But the pitting is strange. I have heard of sand casted coins in the early 18th century, But they were forgery's of british coppers. That does not look like a copper in any way shape or form. You might have something very rare on your hands if it comes back as gold. I'm pretty sure gold would be the only metal to hold up to the brackish water. I sure hope this makes you a member of the club. Please let us know how it turns out.
  5. Welcome Stretch, Glad your getting into the detecting hobby. If your set on the nox 800, pick up the 6'' coil for it. Using the 11'' in the woods can be a real pain in the butt. Not saying it won't work but it's easier to swing the smaller coil within the trees and brush. I hunt a lot of woods and their are days its like dragging a boat anchor with you. Good luck with the purchase and we await some of your first finds.
  6. I'm not sure the Q60 is meant to compete with the simplex or the multi kruzer, (maybe?) But most likely the NOX 600. If it has similar performance, It might draw a few people in it's direction. That being said, without a US based service center and the vagueness of their website, I doubt that most people will take a chance with that purchase. The huge following of Minelab will most likely over power the thought of taking a chance on something like saving a few bucks. Most reviews I see are good but not amazing, Which leads me to believe we have another decent detector. I hope this turns out to be a great machine, But I'll wait to see what the future brings.
  7. I shine a flashlight across the surface under magnification, That can help in some cases. The shadowing will bring out more detail. But sometimes your just stuck without a date. Good Luck!!!
  8. Welcome Eric, Glad you joined in on the fun. Just go slow with that spot and pay attention to your signals. Also be aware of your swing speed and coverage, And you will be able to pick the good from the bad. Hope all goes well with the move, And I'm looking forward to your finds and your questions.
  9. Great to have you here Cal. Judging by your detector choices, seems like you have not missed a beat with the detecting hobby!!! looking forward to many more posts and finds from you. Might I suggest a Priest Ranch wine. 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon, Great with Foie Gras.
  10. Your doing a good job with the finds. I sure wish I was closer to a beach.
  11. Back in the day I didn't mind a good bar fight, Sometimes you win sometimes you loose. But now being older and wiser, taught me some valuable lessons. One that your not always right and maybe there are different things that you can learn from. I was a lurker here for a few years before I joined. This is the ONLY forum I belong to. I joined because 99% of the people here are honest and willing to share information and to help with a problem. I don't do geek speak but rely on those of you that do to help me solve a problem in layman's terms. I learn from doing and making mistakes. Many dozens of members have given me tons of valuable info on settings, coil choices and finds help. For that I'm very thankful. In my 53 years I've learned that it's best to pay attention to knowledge and give it when you can and not demand that it is gospel, Also helping in a way that will allow a person to come to their own conclusions, I think you do that. Steve I like this place for many reasons, But most of all are the great stories, info and help. But if you ever find yourself in a bar fight and need some help, I might just have one left in me Ha Ha. Keep up the good work and don't focus on the 1% of goofy.
  12. Super finds Lunk, I would be happy with just one of those. After 14 inches of snow yesterday and another 15 to 20 coming. I can't wait till November, To come out and hunt with you.
  13. Kinda hard to look at. So i did a little research and found other photo's. And it still makes no sense, I guess it can be used as a straight and S shaft (how thoughtful) Ha Ha. any way heres the photos. Found it on flea bay for $180
  14. YUP. Still waiting on your response. I'm thinking who ever is responsible for NM's IT dept. should be let go. But I'm assuming they have one. 24 hours is an acceptable time to respond, But not weeks. If You post new products on a forum and your website have the respect to issue a price point for the item. I'm pretty sure this will still go unanswered by a Nokta Makro customer service person. Just want a price how hard could it be???????
  15. I use my Multi kruzer most of the time but still love my compadre for simplicity and fun. I'm still waiting on the Nokta MF machine, Before I by an equinox.
  16. The mind no doubt is a powerful thing!! I've seen dowsing first hand and as a kid, my dad and some of his friends were firm believers. It seemed pretty fantastic at the time, but when I got older I realized sometimes things aren't what they seem. Most of the dowsers I've run into just do water, And as Jasong said you pretty much hit water where ever you drill. It's just a matter of depth. If there was something to the dowsing for GOLD thing, I doubt much would be left for you guys. That being said I'm a firm believer in lucky clothing!!! I have a ratty old camo ball cap that I have been wearing for 30 years. I've killed more deer with that cap on then without. Trust me I keep records. My wife tried to toss it out last year and it almost ended in divorce. All in All believing in something is great, Its what drives us all. If you really want to believe in something great, Believe in your family and friends. It is much more valuable than gold. Steve, I still hope you wear that shirt!!! don't want to jinx yourself, This was the most fun I ever had reading and contributing to a post!!! NOW WHAT ABOUT BIGFOOT?????????????
  17. Thanks to Lunk, I think I just found the perfect combo trip for my wife and I. She's already looking at a couple of houses to rent. If anyone else is interested, Lunk is the man. Great info and prices. I haven't been to Arizona in a long time, But I'm looking forward to the pandemic break so I can take a well deserved trip.
  18. All kidding aside, Some of my best finds were near poop. My one buddy always asks why I hunt near poop? I told him it's good luck, He just's give's me the you are just not right look. 2 weeks ago while intently digging a great copper tone I put my hand in the weirdest green poo I have ever seen. luckily it didn't smell !!!! Still not sure what creature it came from, But I don't care, found me a nice 1830's copper button. Great find!!! keep on finding the good stuff, Just watch were you put your hands!!! Ha Ha
  19. Hallelujah !!!! Great finds!!! I sure could use a beach right now, were getting 14'' of snow right now. No detecting for me anytime soon. Thanks for the pic's
  20. Welcome Larry, were always glad to see and hear from new people. Your family history is awesome. I'm not a gold guy, but I'm sure Steve and the gang will point you in the right direction. I wish you the best of luck finding another big nugget and don't brush off the great great grampa thing, sometimes they do point in the right direction.
  21. After browsing the forum today, I had to ask myself a question. Why do not more people post their finds here? We have a large community here, And one of my favorite things here on DP is to look at what people are digging up. I wonder if it is for fear of not finding so called good things, Or not wanting to reveal a location to avoid competition? I wonder if all of us put a little pressure on some of the lurkers or new members to have really great finds? I hope not!!! I also wonder why we sometimes let questions go unanswered? Does this make the starting detector think twice about joining this hobby? I just want to let all the members on the sidelines know that, I personally dig a boat load of junk in order to find a handful of OK finds. That's what all of us do. I want to let all the new starting members realize we all started in the same place, And that would be, Oh I haven't found anything good or all I find is iron and pull tabs, No gold no silver!! If you are finding iron and pull tabs, You are on your way to finding the good stuff!!! It just takes time. I wonder if we spend more time patting ourselves on the back than helping a new member wade through the confusion of starting in this hobby. Please all, post what you find and if you have a question that goes unanswered post it again and hopefully someone can take the time to help you in your quest for answers. Keep up the digging, I like pull tabs and iron. This hobby depends on you!!!!
  22. Sounds like a simple question But I know it's not. Once this pandemic is over, I would like to take my wife and myself to the best place in the US to hunt for meteorites. She's a pretty tough women, But still likes the shopping/site seeing/quality time thing. I'm more into the rustic adventure. But I'll loose that battle. What are your best choices for a combo visit? My chances of finding the real thing I know are slim, But it's more about giving it a try and having fun. Are there any people out there that maybe do some guided trips or hunts? (meteor/relic/gold) or just plain fun. Please point me in the right direction.
  23. Hey Tim, Glad your here to share some of your experiences and finds!!! What is your favorite thing to detect? And where? Sure hope your in a warm climate, Cause it's cold here in PA. Welcome my friend!!!
  24. I wouldn't cut the usb cable on the nox. Just get a conversion adapter for your solar controller. $20 to $50 US. They make all kinds. Just do the old google search. Instead of solar, I use a charger called a topvision. You can charge a detector and jump start a 9 liter diesel with this little item. roughly 9 cm x 20 cm its usb charge powered. Very handy out in the bush, nobody likes a dead battery 400 km from the nearest town. I wouldn't try and mod your idea, just get the needed accessories to fit your solar needs. I've learned this the hard way many times.
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