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Gold Basin Goodies

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Made for another long 10hr day in the Arizona desert out my front door at 0430hrs  and searching dirt at 0700. After about an hour picked up a little 1.7g meteorite high up on one of the ridges and after a another couple hours finally scored a little .2g piece of goodness in a tailings pile on my way back to the Jeep, I raked down the remainder of the pile but nothing else except tiny bits of rusted tin. Drank a cup of coffee and munched a little trail mix while driving a couple miles to a new spot and after a few hours walking up a small wash I spooked a large jack rabbit he darted out a couple feet and then stopped looking at me about 10 feet away so I started talking to him asking where I might have some better luck. He seemed to understand we were at peace together and relaxed standing up and stretching as he listened to my query flopping his long ears side to side he sat back down and peered up the wash in the direction I was heading as if to say just a little farther up. I poured a small pool of water from my bottle on the ground in case he might be thirsty in thanks and continued on my way, my rabbit friend calmly watched as I took his advise Walking slowly swinging zed. After about 10 min in the middle of the wash next to a small bush I picked up a mellow hi lo tone and scored a slightly bigger .7g piece. It was now nearly 1700hrs and worn out from my long day I decided to call it and headed home for a long night of leg cramps from over doing it, but with a little bit of yellow to show for my efforts well worth the pain.



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Nice gold, and a little meteorite to boot 🤠 good to hear your only around  mr. jackrabbit stay safe out there. 

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Nice work Clark. You will have to start carrying a bag of carrots around with now and your luck will increase ten fold. 


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3 hours ago, strick said:

Nice work Clark. You will have to start carrying a bag of carrots around with now and your luck will increase ten fold. 


24 of’em 

2 hours ago, fredmason said:

nice gold, nice meteorite and pleasant conversation with MR. jack!


I’ve never seen a rabbit so mellow I took it As a sign, hope he wasn’t just sick. It was an animal day earlier I’d picked up a rock to move it and there was this bright red and green tiny garter snake taking a nap.

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Well done.

There are lots of clues in the desert.  haha


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A no skunk day in the Basin, is always a great day.... congrats on the gold and meteorite.


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Great finds and story, thanks for sharing.

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Very good hunt in my book, and it sounds as though you had a good conversation with the rabbit.

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