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Glass On The Beach!

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I just posted a topic about finally finding some gold after several times to the beach.  I found more than that this time.  Just after I found the only ring of the session I looked up and saw an awful sight.

The beach area I was now in is an 'all night' area and someone had been there through the night.  They had also been there with some Stella Green Bottles which was not unusual on an alcohol free beach.  What was shocking about it was that they had played target practice with their bottles and sharp, broken glass was all over the beach.  I wish I had taken a picture when I saw it but you'll have to use your imagination.

Glass bottoms, tops and hundreds of pieces were laying everywhere and people had already walked through it in the dark.  I could see the footprints.  There were at least 4 broken bottles with the sharp bottom pieces sticking up.  The necks were strewn over a 50+ft area and fine glass that could stick you was in several different piles.  The beach groomers were just showing up and I wanted to call them over but what could they do?  I had to do it before someone got hurt.  It was time to give back to the beach that has given me so much over the years.

I laid down my detector and scooped up the first pile with my scoop and put it in the empty box.  That was just a small dent.  It seemed to be everywhere.  I was hoping for help but no one stopped out of about 10 people.  This had to be cleaned up before the kids and families showed up.

I worked like a coin spill.  haha  I went over it again and again in different directions as the sun was coming up enough to see the little and big shards.  Some of it was still glued to the label and other pieces had landed a fair distance away after the impact.  When I was nearly done I decided to take a few pictures.

The glass started near my detector and went all the way up to my feet near the scoop.  It had happened after high tide and was not spread by the small waves.  The box was empty when I started and I wanted to keep detecting but I knew it was up to me to make the beach safer.  That really is more important sometimes than a few trinkets.

The bottoms were the most dangerous as they stuck up with sharp points.  Joggers had missed them in the early dawn.  It is not a regular occurrence and that can make it worse because it is unexpected.  Anyway, I got it done and only found a couple of quarters after the pickup.  By the time I left there were 4 more guys detecting.  I hope they would have done the same as me if they saw the glass first.


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Good job with the cleanup, Glad you still got some detecting in. Unfortunately bad behavior is on the rise.

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    Wow, you definitely saved a few people a trip to the ER! Great job! May the good deed be rewarded with gold!👍👍

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I doubt anyone would have done the level you did.  Sick, Sick, Sick.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

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You can see the early morning shadows are longggggggg.

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People like you make this world a better place, thank you for keeping people safe.

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Well done Mitchel! Thanks for doing that- you probably saved someone some real grief!

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Great job on the clean up! As others have said you probably saved someone from getting stitches. Good karma coming your way, may your scoop be filled with Gold on your next outing.



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Well done, Mitchel.  This is an example where good publicity for metal detectorsts (one in particular) would have helped our hobby.  A lot of us clean up the trash others have left.  Just a few irresponsible pigs (actually that's an insult to pigs) make it worse for everyone, including masses of beach users.

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