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Official Minelab GPX 6000 Page

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5 hours ago, Dances With Doves said:

Hi Steve.Do you know how many   people in Africa use a metal detector in   Africa for their lively hood. 

Semi-legal and just plain illegal Chinese mining occurs in vast areas of  Africa's gold regions and these guys buy a heap of ML product for use on their minesites and to 'employ' the locals to use said detectors to find gold in the countryside to sell to the detector owners at a reduced rate. In Sudan, Egypt, Chad, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe etc there are many 'teams' of locals who scour the gold regions with detectors as a good living too. 

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10 minutes ago, Aureous said:

Scuttlebutt here says that the release for actual sale is still 6+ weeks away and price will be AU$8K!!!! 3.5 ounces of gold to pay it off.....however, performance is touted as 'astounding'. So theoretically, talented, professional and experienced operators should be able to achieve this without too much effort. 

Minelab have not even made an official announcement yet. This placeholder page is as close to it as possible, but the page has no links to it from elsewhere on Minelab’s website. It’s a Google find. I fail to understand why anyone thinks they will have a physical detector soon. When has that happened with a recent Minelab introduction? First you get rumors, then announcement, then wait an indeterminate amount of time for physical product. I expect no different this go round, and while I have no clue, 6 weeks would not surprise. Equinox was longer than that. I forget the gap with Vanquish, but it was there. We are still in rumor phase folks.

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5 hours ago, rusty1212 said:

Dose anyone know what the price of this metal Dect in other countries it all ready out I was one of the people how pay full price on the 7000 then they drop it 2500 do you think they will do this again to us or can we buy it out her counties to save some money and not get the shaft 

You will be seeing this detector at its full price for a year or two at least, going by past experience....if you wait until then, the 'easy gold' will be gone lol As Steve says, it hasn't been released yet and no-one except the field testers have physically  used one. Word is, the price will be AU$8K or US$6.5K+. Minelab only drop prices once (a) the model is about to be superseded. (b) Sales have slowed to the point where they need to move current stock (c) they want to encourage sales for a longer than anticipated 'life expectancy' period. There will be zero option for overseas early sales or price/currency exchange benefits as the release date is worldwide and Minelab pricing is rather even across all currencies to reduce such an event from happening nowadays. Used to be a time where US prices and Oz prices had noticeable difference....but no more ?  

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Minelab know the love affair of the GPX6000 by it Customers is their top wish list. I know it will be released on the 14 of Feb "Valentine Day"  ? Sorry Steve you are 5 days to early.?

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As one of the few 20+ yr Senior Minelab Dealers and who is active on this fine DP forum (1st 3 months of DP's life and happy ever since.  In fact I don't even waste my time, posts & share knowledge on other forums).

I have come to the conclusion on the GPX-6000, just follow the Africans, as they seem to be getting info to us faster than the rest of the world.

I have also decided this detector and its features are worthy of my Field Staff and I owning it.  I also feel the same for my many successful customers in past and future.

Here is the start of my Minelab GPX-6000 Pre-Orders list.

Price of detector is $6000 for US customers or about 3 ounces of gold nuggets.

If you want to get on the list contact Gerry's Detectors at www.gerrysdetectors.com or ring me up.

Looking forward to filling up the Training Classes already on my website.

Think positive and think big...

Big Gold 1.jpg


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2 hours ago, Gerry in Idaho said:

Price of detector is $6000 for US customers or about 3 ounces of gold nuggets.

That's not like the Coiltek coil price is it Gerry? Seems high to me, and I refuse to pay more than $5999 :laugh:

But thanks for more or less confirming what we all feared. This is not a cheap date. I was hoping for a Equinox style disruptor, but the reality is that doing so would only disrupt Minelab themselves. They long since stopped competing with anyone in the gold prospecting space but themselves. It's actually somebody else's job to disrupt Minelab, but I have a hard time seeing how that happens. Minelab has discontinued product, or current product in such quantity it is almost impossible.

Thought experiment. First Texas comes out with new Impulse Gold, let's assume it gives the SDC 2300 a go for performance, but for $1000 less, let's say $2199.

What stops Minelab from simply taking the GPX 4500, currently at $2699, and dropping it to $1999? They long since have amortized the development costs, and it is now a pure calculation involving manufacturing cost. There are a dozen ways Minelab can respond to anyone looking to threaten their turf in any serious way, and that's why it is a risky thing to spend a lot of money to go toe to toe with them. They can just move the goal posts any time they want in response. I'd still like to see some worthy competition to make that possibly happen, but when I look at the big picture, especially from a business standpoint, Minelab is only making sensible pricing decisions any sane business person would make. In a weird way we should be thankful, because dumping millions of dollars into the development of a single model is beyond the resources of most companies. If Minelab was not to do it, I do not know who could. It is unrealistic to expect Minelab to do that, and not expect a reasonable return on it's investment.

But I still wish it cost less! :smile: Even though that is actually shooting myself in the foot a little. High prices keep the market from getting flooded too quickly with the latest and greatest, giving me a few other innovators and early adopters that little bit of lead time we crave.

Once again the games begin, and people have to consider where they are on this chart. I will leave this with my party line - this website is not intending to push, promote, or insist that people be early buyers. Just the opposite in fact. Anyone with any doubts, any questions, any concerns, should hold onto their wallet until those concerns have been fully addressed.



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Just found this on another website:

$7499  $6000

And yes Chuck, the military discount is still in effect.

What I'm still Googling for is confirmation of the included dual coil package. Africa is clearly the 11" mono and 17" elliptical mono. Rumor indicates the U.S. package might be packaged with the 11" mono and 14" round DD, but I've not seen any real confirmation of that yet, or missed it.

Minelab GPX 6000 Data & Reviews


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