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Harvest Moon Hunt!


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I enjoy bright Full Moon hunts, seems the gravitational pull of the Moon moves me to the Goldfields.  You’d think I’d park my rig to avoid the big spot light in the sky to sleep better.  But, it gives me a half sleeping moment to pounder the mornings gold location.  
This hunt I was accompanied by and old Buddy from California.  Steve, was tutored on some of our hot and old patches in California, with his GPX 5000.  He quickly learned from us the many ins and outs of his machines and the fine techniques of putting nuggets into his poke.  He moved with us as Minelab Technology advanced to keep a smile and rattle in the poke.  He now owns a very nice stash of nuggets.

This Hunt we set our eyes on the outlaying areas of Rye Patch!  I had my RZR for mobility as we have many patches close by to just scoot to with it.  It’s still warm out in the High Plains, but very doable compared to my last visit there.  I pulled into the first location and ran into and old Buddy and his friend calling it a day.  They showed me their poke and I recognized the gold same area as I wanted to hunt!  Well, I arrived and unloaded and went for a short hunt and nailed one amongst the many footprints and dig holes.  Still color left and no one gets them all.  I rode around in my RZR after that till dark as Steve hadn’t pulled into camp yet!  Next, morning I gave Steve the pointy finger to the patch and I set sights to a nearby spot I had luck on several years prior.  Still within eyesight we waved at each other with a pumping fist to indicate a score of a nugget at the same time!  At the end of the day we had several nuggets for our efforts.  Now, I’m still hitting old haunts  with the new 6000.  So next morning after a couple more nuggets each.  We load up and off to more old haunts.  Next spot, didn’t disappoint us either!  Only problem was I didn’t fill up my RZR and that prior days joy riding looking at Antelope and Wild Horses and new spots eat more fuel than expected!  So we had to stay within eye sights of our camp just in case my Buggy ran out of fuel.  We hit the old patches and found nuggets and then hit a new spot.  The new spot, Steve was in the sweet spot and as you know the 6000 doesn’t play well with other 6000’s nearby.  
To end this trip, Steve out shot the Sensei and well done by him as we ended with plenty to cover expenses and another memory of a Harvest Moon Hunt!



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Full moon gold hunting fever.
One of the few beneficial illnesses one can catch.
Nice hunting and another inspiring write-up.


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you guys did good!  Speaking of gas....wasn't sure if I was gonna make it home myself today...it was close...lol

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Very Nice Rick !!!!

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Well done and nice story.

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Further ...speaking of gas, I  was down between the middle fork and the south fork of the Clearwater River this last Saturday with my wife in her Jeep. Got back home at midnight after 450 miles, didn't go anywhere on Sunday, then when leaving the house on Monday morning for the office, found my son had run my Land Cruiser down whilst we were away... 15 miles to the nearest pump.  I immediately texted him this photo labeled ..."bad thing"


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