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My Take On The Minelab GPZ 7000

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Steve, thanks for your comments on the GPZ 7000.  Sounds like a great machine.  


I did not start detecting for gold until I was 71 years old (4+ years ago) and have only been able to hunt hammered out club claims.  I started with a GMT, got a TDI SL (big disappointment), bought an ATX but didn't use it much before getting a SDC 2300 in September.  I was able to offset the cost of the 2300 a bit by selling the other detectors. I didn't find a nugget until I started using the 2300 last fall.  Now I have 8 sub 1 grammers.  Not a big haul to some, but I'm happy to be able to find those little bugger's that someone else walked over considering where I have found them. I am a big believer in the 2300 and am pretty sure the 7000 would allow me to find even more nuggets on these claims.


BUT, $10,000 is hard for me to justify now.  Oh to be 50 again, I'd snap up one of those 7000's and get going.  Oh crap, I forgot, I'd probably be working at 50.  Make it 60.  Seriously, that is an amount that is hard to swallow.  Oh, I know they will sell many to those who can afford and want to newest and best, and to those professionals who can actually pay them out and make money.  Unlike Steve I am not in my detecting prime, hell I'm not in anything prime, so I will be pondering this a bit more.  But, never say never.


Thanks again Steve.  I thoroughly enjoy your forum.

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Steve, I am curious what the small box w/toggle switch on your right hip is? Does it have something to do with the external speaker you are wearing?



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Just wondering about the battery life. How many hours? And how much would the GPS and Maps features eat into the battery life each day.

Does the Super D coil act like a mono coil on the 5000?

Hi Scott,

I field tested a unit using the same battery as comes on the CTX 3030. This smaller battery only made it about 5 hours. The new units including the one I just got have the new larger production battery which is supposed to run in excess of eight hours. I need to do a run in most conservative settings and a run with absolutely everything jacked up to get an idea of difference myself. Good news is CTX battery makes a great backup. In fact I am personally planning on using a future smaller coil in conjunction with the smaller battery to get the weight down by maybe a pound? Not sure as it will depend on how much weight a smaller coil sheds but a pound seems possible in total with savings with smaller battery.

The coil acts like a mono at distance but closer up in hotter in two strips lengthwise longitudinally pretty much where the reinforcement ribs are on top of the housing. Bruce Candy illustrates it well in the video.


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Steve, I am curious what the small box w/toggle switch on your right hip is? Does it have something to do with the external speaker you are wearing?



That is the B&Z booster made by JP which I have been using on my SDC 2300 but which I have also been experimenting with on the GPZ. It works but I am not sure yet it added any serious functionality. You can plug booster directly into detector or plug booster into wireless module so there are variations to experiment with. I have to say the wireless is nice. Proprietary no-lag good quality audio.

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Hi Steve,

I'm wondering how the 7000 handles hot rocks, one of the big advances with the GPX series were the special settings that ignored most hot rocks, how does the 7000 do in this regard?


I did not encounter any hot rocks the GPZ was unable to handle except for some no detector has been able to handle. I have a chunk of pure magnetite found at some California locations. Over ten pounds of magnetic iron ore. The GPZ failed just like every other detector I have tried on it. A detector that would not detect that would probably not detect gold either but one can always hope so I had to give it a try.

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