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Best Digging Tool 4 Parks ??? Whats Your Favorite Lesche?

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Forum- can the coin pros recommend the "1" to buy or what seems the overall standard" best brand" and digging tool for Grassy areas? Best Shovel Length and  single edge or dual edge? Left or Right side Lesche? Whats Best? Thanks Ig

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I mostly use the  Raptor Model 31 by Predator tools.  I also carry a Lesche but use the Raptor to cut most of my plugs. I am now testing the Hori Hori knife to possibly replace my Lesche. I need more time to figure that one out but I can’t imagine park hunting without my Model 31.  I love that thing.



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for parks I use a lesche 31" shovel with the ball handle....LUV IT!  3-4 stabs, pop the plug and you're down 7".  They look bad to most but actually can do a MUCH better job as far as leaving the grass/plug in better shape when you're done......jmo

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I agree with oneguy on the Lesche shovel. I have two of them but our parks flat out won’t allow them. If you can get away with using them, their the way to go.


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Have to agree with using the Raptor, lower profile and less intimidating for locals who are concerned about seeing people wielding shovels in the their local park.  The curved blade makes for easy cutting of a flap for extracting targets vs using the serrated sawing action of lesche blades - just a personal preference for me, others may disagree.  I tend to carry the Raptor out of sight in my finds pouch (ammo drop bag).

I do have a stainless serrated shovel, though only use it on private permissions and areas out of town.

Last time I went out with a couple of other guys using shovels in a park, locals reported us to the local council ranger( I was the only one using a hand tool).  He had no problem with us using them though it did result in a lot of wasted time for both us and the ranger.

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I have all three mentioned George Lesche designs (standard handheld, T-handled Sampson, and Raptor).   It depends upon the conditions as to which one I use.  For manicured, thick, moist sod the Raptor is great.  But if the ground is at all rocky (like you can get with either gravel backfill or old crushed stone driveways) it is near impossible.  As Cabin Fever notes, the Sampson doesn't present a good image when used on public muni properties.  For private permissions and especially when out in the woods, it's the way to go.

Regarding cutting roots, I've stopped doing that if larger than about 1/8 inch (3 mm) diameter.  In fact I filed off the serrated part of my handheld Lesche so I don't accidentally damage roots.  When out in the thick brush/woods sometimes I need the serrated edge of the Sampson, but I always try to work around the roots.  It takes longer but I sleep better at night.

Photo shows a left side serated (unmodified) and a right side serated with teeth removed (and a bit dirty from my last hunt).



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Too many people around here to even think about using a shovel although I have one of those nice lesche T handled shovels I will only use it out in the field. Prefer the Lesche hand digger with the serrated edge on the left side. It stays hidden in my pouch till I need it. Been wanting one of those Model 31's for a while and just ordered one. 


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I am surprised Steve hasnt sounded off on this one...

When I was in Reno working the Parks Steve came over and gave me a demo on park hunting---- he didn't  use a shovel of any kind, just a a pin-pointer and a screwdriver.

Once he got a likely target he used his pinpointer to see if it would pick up the target, if it didnt he moved on..

The idea was not to dig up parks with shovels  and get everyone banned....

This may have just been because we were right in the middle of a well used park in Reno.

But unless i misunderstood him, that was his way of detecting parks.

If it was the boonies im sure he would use a backhoe if he needed too....lol


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On 1/29/2019 at 7:57 PM, Cabin Fever said:

I mostly use the  Raptor Model 31 by Predator tools.  I also carry a Lesche but use the Raptor to cut most of my plugs. I am now testing the Hori Hori knife to possibly replace my Lesche. I need more time to figure that one out but I can’t imagine park hunting without my Model 31.  I love that thing.



The Predator Raptor is my go-to.  Perfect "u" shaped plugs that disappear when you replace them.  And the weight is perfect.  I have a couple of Lesches, and a White's digger... but the raptor is the one!

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