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Advertisement for the New Minelab GPZ 7000 in February ICMJ Magazine

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 Yup. That's me. way, way over on the lower right. Now please post a chart that illustrates what % of the detector users find what % of the detected gold and where they fall on the characteristics chart.  I think you will find  a bit of an incongruity. However, I am actively buying lottery tickets so that I'll have the funds on hand when the 7000 is made available.

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And so it all begins yet again. The speculation. The accusations. The arguments - the drama! And once again everyone gets to find out where they fit in the scheme below.


I used to be an early adopter/innovator of technology. Funny thing... even though I thought I had to have the "latest and greatest" (and many times paid handsomely for being the first in line), as I got older (and much wiser), that ideology has gone by the wayside. I've found out that "new" only lasts for about a month. I'm now perfectly content in waiting several months for that "new" to wear off from somebody else that had to have that new detector, vehicle, computer, phone, or what have you... and then pick it up for 2/3 or 1/2 the price they originally paid. I sincerely hope MineLab sells the s**t out their new detector, as I know for a fact that somebody, somewhere, will eventually need to dump that "new" detector, whether due to financial problems, or maybe it wasn't their cup of tea, or they're now in line buying the next latest and greatest detector.  :D

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Your Bell Curve doesn't include "Life Experiences". I learned early in my Military Career for jumping up first...cleaned toilets for a week! It wasn't the worst detail I had in over 20 years of service...but, I do enjoy my Janus Fund.


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I'm wondering how much that coil weighs. I can pretty much swing my CTX all day long with the stock coil 11" inch coil. With the 6" coil it's like swinging a feather. Put the 17" coil on it and that's a different story...it changes the balance making it too nose heavy and not fun any more!  I'm assuming that Minelab has it balanced  perfectly with that 14 inch coil? I guess these are the things that we will find out when the duct tape is pulled from the mouths of the testers.



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Ray that is the bottom line is it not?  I need to sleep on it.  Which do I want to sleep with?  And which is most likely to strangle me in my sleep if I fail to keep them apart?

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